September 4, 2012

Back Home

If you've been following my blog you'll know that I had back surgery in May. My recovery has taken much longer than I had expected. With a very active toddler to take care of, I decided it was best if I go stay with my parents for a while to get help until I could handle taking care of him on my own. So for the past 6 weeks I have been away from home and away from my computer (and Photoshop). I was able to post a few tutorials, but not my best ones. Now that I am home I will be able to post better tutorials and some template designs. I have a lot to get caught up on in my personal life since I have been gone for so long, but I will be sure to post again soon. Let me know if you have any requests. Also, if you have emailed me or commented and I have not responded, feel free to send me another email. I may have missed it.



  1. You've had a very tough time Dani.
    Hope things pick up for you now. Just as well that you have kind and supportive parents.

  2. Hope the surgery went well. Take your time getting caught up. I'm behind due to vein laser surgery. It's hard to prop up my feet at my computer, and I get tired of typing on the laptop.

    1. Surgery recovery is hard, isn't it! Hope things get better for you soon! I am doing significantly better now. Still have to be careful, though. Thank your for the well wishes!

  3. Thank you to everyone who has left your well wishes and support on my blog. I really appreciate it!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I would love to answer everyone's questions, but I am a busy mama. I will try my best, but technical questions that require me to study your blog's html are very time consuming for me. I may not be able to answer all of these comments. If you are a reader that knows the answer to a question, please help your fellow readers by offering your advice.