July 20, 2009

How to Center your Header inside the Border Lines

Have you noticed that when you add a header it isn't centered inside the header border lines? If you want to fix that, you can either remove the lines, as explained in the previous post or follow these instructions:

1. Add your header as usual by logging in and clicking on Layout.
2. On the "Add and Arrange Page Elements" page, click Edit in the box where your header is located.
3. A window will pop-up. Click on the settings Behind Title and Description and Shrink to Fit.

4. Locate your header from your computer or the web and click Save.

Now for the harder part:

5. Go back to your Layout page and click Edit HTML.
6. Scroll down until you find the part of the code that looks like this:

(If you can't find it, hold down Ctrl and the letter F and type "Header" into the search box.)

7. Below that code, find the code that looks like this:

8. Add the code that you see below in red so that it matches the code below:

9. Click Save Template and View Blog.
You're done!


  1. Thanks, Dani, You are a wzard!

    God Bless You


  2. I tried centering my header by adding the display: none; where it said to, but I have trouble seeing it and am not sure I did it right because my header is still not centered. Are ther a certain # of spaces and do I have my comma and semi colon correct?
    Thank you,

  3. I would have to look at your html to find out if you did it correctly. I personally would instead remove the border around the header (http://www.blogdesignsbydani.com/2009/07/removing-border-around-your-header.html). Then as long as you click "Shrink to Fit" it should work. I'll email you to offer more help.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! I would love to answer everyone's questions, but I am a busy mama. I will try my best, but technical questions that require me to study your blog's html are very time consuming for me. I may not be able to answer all of these comments. If you are a reader that knows the answer to a question, please help your fellow readers by offering your advice.