November 28, 2011

Christmas Treats Header

Use with the background: Christmas Treats Treats%20Header.jpg

Or if you would like the exact same header as the Christmas Treats Template, use this header: Treats%20Header2.png

Images copyright Katie Castillo
(from her kit called Gingerrific)

November 26, 2011

Christmas Treats Background

For those of you interested in just the background from the Christmas Treats Template, here it is:

 2-Column (Standard Width)

<script>document.write(unescape("%3Cstyle%20type%3D%22text/css%22%3Ebody%7Bbackground-image%3Aurl%28%22http%3A// Treats.jpg%20%22%29%3Bbackground-position%3Acenter%3B%20background-repeat%3A%20no-repeat%3B%20background-attachment%3A%20fixed%3B%7D%3C/style%3E%20%3Cdiv%20id%3D%22tag%22%20style%3D%22position%3Aabsolute%3B%20left%3A0px%3Btop%3A30px%3B%20width%3A150px%3B%20height%3A50px%3B%22%3E%3Ca%20target%3D%22_blank%22%20href%3D%22http%3A//"))</script>
  3-Column (Wide Width)
<script>document.write(unescape("%3Cstyle%20type%3D%22text/css%22%3Ebody%7Bbackground-image%3Aurl%28%22http%3A// Treats_3Column.jpg%20%22%29%3Bbackground-position%3Acenter%3B%20background-repeat%3A%20no-repeat%3B%20background-attachment%3A%20fixed%3B%7D%3C/style%3E%20%3Cdiv%20id%3D%22tag%22%20style%3D%22position%3Aabsolute%3B%20left%3A0px%3Btop%3A30px%3B%20width%3A150px%3B%20height%3A50px%3B%22%3E%3Ca%20target%3D%22_blank%22%20href%3D%22http%3A//"))</script>

Images copyright Katie Castillo
(from her kit called Gingerrific)

Matching Header

November 17, 2011

Christmas Treats Template

By using this template, you agree to the terms of use.
*This template may not show the header when you insert the HTML/CSS code. If it does not appear, do the following:

1. Go to the Design page and make sure you are on the Page Elements section.
2. Click on the Edit button on the Header box.
3. In the pop-up window, click "Behind Title and Description and then insert the following address in the box that says, "From the Web"

4. Click Save and View Blog. Your header should appear!

 This template includes:
  a wide 2-column layout
  a background
  a matching header
  a post icon (picture next to the post title)
  a post divider (picture in between each post)

You can add/change:
  •    the Blog title and description shown on the header
  •    the font colors 
  •     the font  Click here to learn how.  (This template allows you to alter the date, post title and sidebar titles with a different font for each one.)
   Don't forget to add my button to your sidebar. Here's the code:

<center><a href=><img src=" Button.png"/></a></center>

Images copyright Katie Castillo

From her kit Gingerrific

November 7, 2011

How to Add a Post Divider

Do you notice the divider that I have separating my posts? If you are trying to make your blog stand out, a post divider can really do the trick. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. In fact, simple is best when it comes to making a post divider. Here's what mine looks like:

Want to learn how to make one yourself? Here's how:

November 2, 2011

Updated Button Code

Hi Everyone,

With all the updates to the codes, I forgot to update my own button. Be sure to grab a new code for my button here or on my sidebar:

<center><a href=><img src=" Button.png"/></a></center>